3 Steps to an Energy Efficient Air Conditioning Unit

An energy efficient air conditioning unit is an essential part of your home. It helps to make sure that you receive quality air flow but also help save you the extra expenses of a non-energy efficient unit. An energy efficient unit will help save on the rising costs of energy and the AC will work

5 Ways to cool the home naturally

These days, many home owners would like to be environmentally friendly. Many systems and needs of the home can now be adapted to meet eco-friendly standards including cooling the home. There are many tips and tricks that can be used to save energy so that the environment is not directly impacted by your home. These

5 Reasons Homeowners Should Never Delay AC Maintenance

Maintaining your home systems, such as your air conditioning, is important. There are a lot of people out there who want to make sure that they will have a nice, cool home for the summer time. This means that you will have to take extra special care of your machine, especially during the winter period.

How to clean a furnace system

For a furnace system to provide top quality heating to the home, home owners must stay on schedule with maintenance service. Maintenance services can be scheduled with your local HVAC provider, but these services can cost money that you may not want to spend. With a little time and energy, you can provide the cleaning

Top 10 Energy Saving HVAC Tips

Saving energy and money is on everyone’s minds in the current economy. You want to get the most comfort out of your home or office while not spending too much money in the process. There are a few ways you can do just that. Take a look at these 10 tips to see how you

4 energy saving tips that can reduce your heating bills this winter

Preparing your home properly for the winter season can not only save energy but also save you money on your heating bills. During the winter months, heating bills can get out of control if the home is not ready for the harsh temperatures and conditions. It is important for home owners to learn how to

3 tips on maintaining HVAC equipments

The term HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning systems and it is very important for home owners to keep their HVAC equipment in excellent condition. This is done by maintaining the heating and cooling units in the home. Home owners should take the proper precautions to make sure that their units are functioning

Schmitt – Infographics

Solar Home Heat-Benefits

Solar heating provides many benefits. These benefits help both you as a home owner and everyone else as a person on earth. Solar energy is a renewable resource that helps the environment. By using less electricity, you can help save energy. Solar heating is a type of heating that is provided by collecting energy from

Solar Heating-Advantages and Disadvantages

  Solar heating is an option that many home owners can access to provide a unique option for their home. Solar heating has advanced very far over the past few years and continues to make advances. Since solar heating is relatively new, there are still changes that are being made. Home owners should find out