You need your homes HVAC system operating at peak efficiency. In order to keep your system running smoothly and maintain a clean, healthy environment, you need to charge your filters every 3 — 4 months. Filters that are 1-3″ inches should be changed every 3 months, and filters that are 4-5″ inches should be changed every 5 months. Changing your filter can help you avoid having to spend money on expensive service calls.
If you have health issues or a sensitive HVAC system, you may need to change your filter monthly. It’s important for you to check your equipment guide to see what your best option is. Not changing your filter can cause your system to get dirty, work too hard, and eventually stop working. Make sure your air filter fits the air return when you’re changing it out. If you can’t get it to fit, you can always tape down the loose edges to make it work. Remember, you need the air to move through the filter, not all around it.
Breathe Cleaner Air
When your filter isn’t changed routinely, particles and contaminants will begin to collect in your home. In order to keep your heating and cooling system running efficiently and maintain premium air quality, you need to make sure you check your air filter regularly. If you have a family member in the home that suffers from asthma or allergies, changing the air filter can greatly improve the quality of air for him or her.
Clogged filters can create a reduction flow that causes your equipment to stop working. Excess dirt in the filter can damage your systems motors, fans, and/or coils. Your air filters job is to clean the air before it ever makes it into your equipment to ensure your system isn’t damaged. The cleaner your system is, the better it runs. When your system is running at peak efficiency, it is saving you a significant amount of money on your energy bill. Don’t throw money out of the window by ignoring your air filter maintenance needs. Give your HVAC system the attention it needs.