Commonly-Used HVAC Terms & Their Meanings

When you hire a residential or commercial HVAC repair technician to conduct a regular inspection and tune-up service of your system, they may use words that are a little too technical for a layperson. If there’s any component, issue or term that you don’t understand in their report, don’t hesitate to ask your technician about it. They’ll

4 Signs You Need a New HVAC System

Years of wear will take a toll on any HVAC system, at which time you have to be prepared to replace it to ensure a comfortable commercial space. In today’s post, local heating and air conditioning repair company Schmitt shares a look at some signs that indicate you need to replace your HVAC system.

Why Do Heat Pumps Trip Circuit Breakers?

Turning on your heat pump for the first time of the season can sometimes trip the circuit breaker, which is a relatively normal occurrence. However, if this happens frequently, it could be a sign of a problem that needs corrected. In today’s post, the HVAC contractors at Schmitt share a look at what causes heating systems to

Addressing Common Indoor Air Quality Problems This Fall

With fall already here and winter fast approaching, you need your HVAC system to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible to keep your home warm and comfortable. Should you need a technician to check out your unit, consider hiring one of our HVAC service professionals at Schmitt. With our services, we’ll make sure your indoor air

Why You Shouldn’t DIY HVAC Repairs

The reason your HVAC system needs to be regularly maintained is so that it will continue running smoothly and efficiently. As such, you’ll need to have HVAC repairs performed by trusted professionals like those at Schmitt. If you can’t do these on your own, it’s best to entrust the job to the pros to ensure you avoid

How to Deal with Pushy HVAC Salespeople

Investing in a heating and cooling system replacement can be a bit daunting, especially if it’s your first time getting one. To take away some of the stress of deciding on the option that best fits your needs, just ask your local HVAC salesperson for assistance. But at these times do you feel like they’re

Why Improved HVAC Airflow Allows for Greater Efficiency

Given how the operation of your HVAC system comprises a significant portion of your annual energy costs, it pays to take measures to ensure your system can continue providing good energy performance. One of these measures includes making sure conditioned air is being distributed properly throughout your home. But how exactly does proper HVAC airflow

Important Questions to Ask When Purchasing an HVAC System

Buying an HVAC system is a considerable investment. That’s why you should always be informed so you can make the right choice for your home and family. After all, you don’t want to buy an air conditioner or heat pump and then have to call on a local HVAC contractors a few weeks later.

Programmable Thermostats: Do They Help Save Money?

Gone are the days when you had to stand up and walk over to the thermostat from time to time to manually adjust the temperature. With programmable thermostats and their smart versions that are accessible via Wi-Fi, indoor temperature control becomes much easier and more convenient. But do they really help save money? Local air conditioning

Causes of Overflowing Air Conditioning Condensate Pans

The condensate pan is the part of your air conditioning system that collects dripping condensation and moves it away via a drain line. An overflowing condensate pan can cause problems such as mold and corrosion, or even damage to the air conditioner’s electrical components.