How I Can Reduce My Energy Costs In The Winter?

87833483Consumers want to be warm and comfortable during winter. Staying warm is important, especially to elderly people and those with serious medical conditions. How can they keep chills at bay but also reduce winter energy costs? Here are some tips to ensure lower utility bills.

Choose Energy Efficient Appliances

Energy Star ovens, refrigerators, freezers, and other appliances are so-named for good reason: they run more efficiently than old or cheap machines. Insulation meets or beats regulatory standards and you can tell by how hot or cold they feel to the touch when running. Consider trading old models for new ones.

Go one better and maintain appliances throughout the year. Clean them, have a certified technician check them regularly, and replace filters where appropriate. Clean the condenser coil on your refrigerator. Do not over-fill the refrigerator and freezer or leave them empty. Even if you have nothing to put in the refrigerator, load it with full jugs of water.

Set an Appliance Timer

The sound of a furnace running is almost enough to make householders feel warm in its own right. When that sound ceases, that is the signal you just lightened the financial load. Do not allow a furnace or water heater running all day. Set both of them to operate when people are inside the house and preparing to use them. Otherwise, their warmth goes to waste.

Time Yourself

Peak hours of energy use are between the hours most individuals get up and go to bed. Consider starting the dryer or dishwasher just before you settle down for the night or load up an hour earlier each morning. Not only will you pay less but there is a better chance both loads will be full, thereby ensuring more efficient use of energy.

Unplug and Play

When you unload puzzles and board games from the closet or run outside to host a hot dog roast, unplug the appliances you are not currently using. Computers, the television, microwave, and other items continue to leach power even when turned off.

More Energy Ideas

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