Is Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality Getting Worse?

With the heating season in full swing, homeowners across the nation are scrambling to get their heating repair and maintenance needs taken care of right away. As you do, don’t forget to include your indoor air quality (IAQ) levels on your list of routine HVAC tasks to be done.

Indoor air quality is an important aspect of any heating and air conditioning system. Its advantages extend further than simply improving your comfort; it’s also linked to a number of health benefits for you and your family. So what are the signs you need to watch out for to know if your IAQ levels are getting dangerously below standard? Our HVAC experts at Schmitt Heating & Air Conditioning explain a few of them below.

Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality

While these aspects of heating and AC repair might seem separate, they’re actually related to each other. The tops culprit in poor IAQ levels are clogged filters, which can also reduce the amount of airflow in your system. This means your unit will likely have to consume more energy just to maintain the same temperature level. Consequently, you’ll see a gradual rise in your utility bills to reflect this increased consumption. High energy bills can sometimes–but not always–be a sign of falling indoor air quality.

Relative Humidity

Your home’s RH, or relative humidity, on the other hand, is closely linked to your indoor air quality levels. Experts recommend keeping your RH between 30% and 40% for health reasons. Consider retrofitting your existing HVAC system with a humidifier or dehumidifier to allow you more control over the amount of humidity in your home.

Sickness and Allergies

Perhaps the clearest sign that you need to focus on your IAQ during your next routine HVAC repair and inspection are the frequency of any health problems you or your family are facing. Excessive dust particles, pollen and other contaminants can cause allergies and respiratory issues, which can all be traced back to poor indoor air quality.

Protect your family’s health by taking advantage of our indoor air quality services at Schmitt, your leading local HVAC company. Give us a call at (415) 522-0966 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation and request a free estimate on new HVAC equipment today. We serve homeowners in San Francisco and nearby areas.